will i get any viruses -malwares -worms etc by just using windows defender and windows firewall ?

Windows Defender is and always was considered a last resort, made in response to the fact that enough people don't buy AV software, and/or don't update it. Then Windows computers bomb out from viruses, they blame Microsoft, and it becomes a viscous cycle.

As I said though its a last resort, you very much should consider a real antivirus suite. Bitdefender is one of the best and only $29 for the year. If you ever get a virus that Defender can't stop you will wish you spent that money. All it takes is 1 mis typed url, or mistaken click on an email or link even in google.

If you are careful not to visit any shady sites, then they are probably good enough for you. I am not sure about the malware but Defender is probably good enough as a Firewall and AV in this scenario

If you use torrents and download programs from cnet or download.com, I am not so sure.
Well you can get any of those even with expensive active protection.

Windows defender and firewall are adequate against known threats and it does have a wide range of definitions and is capable of catching new versions of old threats.

Really it comes down to your usage habits. If you stick to mainstream corporate websites you are quite safe. If you do a lot of searching that results in clicking on unknown links to third party websites, then you probably want some active network threat protection. If you consider yourself a savvy user and don't click on things randomly, you can generally get by with MS.

There is no protection against "Zero-day" threats.
Windows Defender is and always was considered a last resort, made in response to the fact that enough people don't buy AV software, and/or don't update it. Then Windows computers bomb out from viruses, they blame Microsoft, and it becomes a viscous cycle.

As I said though its a last resort, you very much should consider a real antivirus suite. Bitdefender is one of the best and only $29 for the year. If you ever get a virus that Defender can't stop you will wish you spent that money. All it takes is 1 mis typed url, or mistaken click on an email or link even in google.

Its better than nothing, which is its job to prevent - if you have nothing it auto runs.

I am a safe searcher but I hide behind Bitdefender as its detection rate is one of the best, and I use another browser add on to close any gaps it may have in detection. I can't even visit a lot of sites.
tbh unless you are retarded and click on the "free download" button that flashes on crappy sites windows defender is fine. People are so scared of getting viruses and go out there way to spend money on REAL viruses like Norton security but you don't need them if you stay vigilant to what you download and what pages you visit 😉
Pretty much my primary/only defense on all my computers. Infection rate is so far 1 "Windows Antivirus *current year*" over the past 6 years. (Oddly got it from a vimeo link, so I no longer trust their service)

But that was a very familiar more or less benign malware for me. A quick removal and a scan with Anti-Malware Bytes only revealed the usual tracking cookies and other benign garbage.

My father, who normally gets infected regularly, has been using it on his new computer for almost 2 years now without infection.

MS has had a bad reputation for a long time. They really have improved since Windows 8 was released. They still lose all the round ups, but you won't see that level of penetration testing while just browsing. I think Kapersky and Bitdefender usually trade blows for 1st place.
Prevention is better than cure. losing all my data is a price i am not willing to pay. Always used paid services, used Norton originally but its just too big, then Zonealarm, then Kapersky, then Avast and now Bitdefender.. that is over 16 years though.

Only viruses found on my pc's ever weren't even installed, just in old program files that I may have never used.

ONly things I get now on any scan are ad servers if I use edge at any stage, rest of Browsers locked up so nothing gets in.
The other half of the equation is having a good backup of your important files. Follow the 3 2 1 rule.

3 backups, 2 types of media, and one off-site backup.

For the consumer:
Main system backing up to an installed drive. (Ideally not the OS drive)
Regular backup to a removeable media (USB or otherr)
A cloud storage service (dropbox, carboncopy, etc)

These days drive encryption is another good idea. Lot of Crypto/Ransomware out there. They can't encrypt what is already encrypted.
i had 3 hdd's die a long time ago and lose everything, I have back ups of backups now. Use Google drive and Onedrive and a few USB drives to keep things I don't want to lose. Everything else is replaceable. For years I was paranoid about losing all my music as replacing it would take a while - now its all on Google play and Onedrive, I feel less concerned.

more on topic: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/bitdefender-vs-kaspersky,review-3573.html