Will i have to re-install Windows 8.1 after a motherboard


Mar 13, 2015
Hello Guys & Gals,

i am writing today to ask a few questions about my motherboard and Windows 8.1 oem.
I have a 990fxa-ud3 rev4.0 motherboard that has some problems so I need to know a few things.

First If i swap the motherboard out for an identical 990fxa-ud3 rev4.0 can I do so without reinstalling windows 8.1?
I was told different things by different people which is why I ask. Some said I would have to call Microsoft to get it reactivated and others said it would be fine. While other said i would need to do a full reinstall and wipe the system.

Next question Gigabyte said they may not be able to repair the board and they are not sure until they get the board which i will likely be doing next week.
But if they can't repair the board they said they would swap out the board to a 990fxa-ud3 rev5 board. (same board model just different revision.)
If they do that then can i still install it without needing to reinstall Windows 8.1 64bit oem?
Also would I need to call Microsoft to reactivate it and would they allow that as it is the same system?

I have never needed to change a motherboard because of problems with it which is why i am asking.
I have not sent the the board yet as I am awaiting the computer builder to respond to see if they will replace the board under warranty. But they system is about 2 years old so it is likely they will not replace it and that Gigabyte will. And I am trying to find out best options that will not require Windows 8.1 to be reinstalled.

If I can swap to the 990fxa-ud3 rev5 board it would save me in shipping costs as I have to ship the R4 board to USA and pay for return shipping.
So it would be cheaper for me just to buy the R5 board if it would work as i listed above.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

with identical or very similar motherboards a Windows re install is unlikely to be needed.

OEM Windows are licenced only to the original motherboard.

In cases of motherboard failure Microsoft usually allows re activation on the new motherboard provided the other components
such as CPU, GPU etc are the same

You may have to re activate by telephone and possibly speak to some one

Mike Barnes

with identical or very similar motherboards a Windows re install is unlikely to be needed.

OEM Windows are licenced only to the original motherboard.

In cases of motherboard failure Microsoft usually allows re activation on the new motherboard provided the other components
such as CPU, GPU etc are the same

You may have to re activate by telephone and possibly speak to some one

Mike Barnes

Thank you very much for the fast reply I greatly appreciate it.

Nothing is changing except the motherboard I hope it will stay an R4 board but it could be R5 I was told by gigabyte.
They say if I send it in It will take over a month from when they get it to see if they can fix it.
But i have to pay shipping to them and back to me plus insurance in case it gets lost.

But I was thinking that depending on cost, when I see the weight of Motherboard and size packed up It might be cheaper just to buy the R5 board as it is cheap and that would limit my down time.

I just don't know as I really cant reinstall windows so that's why I posted my question.
I wish they could send an advanced replacement of same board as it would really cut back on my worry and time.

Anyways thanks again for the reply.
Have a fantastic Weekend.