Will i5 4440 bottleneck 2 R9 280x on xfire?

I mean 2 R9 280x on xfire
Sorry juste realized I messed it up with tittle
Don't mix intel and amd unless your mining. Ignore the troll. Tek Syndicate and many others have proven in real world that amd+amd is on part with entry level i7. Intel and Nvidia or AMD all in. Both will play anything on the market max in 1440p.

This is crazy talk. It's not cool to give someone advice like that if you don't know what your talking about. OP completely ignore this^^^

"Tek Syndicate and many others have proven in real world that amd+amd is on part with entry level i7"????

What does that even mean? Processors and GFX cards are 2 different things. It's not like you can mate a AMD CPU with an AMD GPU and 9 moths later out pops a little AMD baby with the equivelant performance of an "entry level i7" Lol.
The graphics card doesn't care what processor your using. It has no alogorithym that checks to make sure your using a CPU of the same brand. A GFX chip has a performance threshold; the CPU is either capable of pushing that chip to its full potential or its not. Theres no secret sauce that magically improves gaming performance when you combine an AMD GPU/CPU.

P.S If you're getting all your info from Tek Syndicate you should probably look elsewhere.

Fanboy or Troll? Which are you? Real world use my friend. And yes in gaming it does matter a lot these days. A FX8350 performs extremely well with an AMD GPU compared to Nvidia. I use more sights but everyone knows that while Tek says the 8350 is under rated they use 2011 based systems so I would trust them when added to my real world findings on multiple systems I have built. Basically anything under a i7 4820 is $ for $ worse then a FX 83xx or 63xx paired with a GCN based GPU. Either way you get 30fps+ at 1440p. Oh and with this setup it saving will buy a ASUS QHD gaming monitor. Quit trolling with Intel based info and let people choose without wool over their eyes. Not to mention 4440 I5 for sure can't beat a steamroller CPU. That's obvious with any point of view. OP save some money and go 1440p

while I agree that the fx8350 doesn't deserve all the hate, and I actually like teksyndicate myself and am subbed to them on youtube, there's no way steamroller beats haswell architecture. Steamroller was a letdown, I heard a little buzz before those kavari APU's came out, and then nothing after besides disappointment basically. They upped the IPC a tiny bit, but they're clocked much lower than Richland was, and they also don't overclock as well.

"AMD GPU compared to Nvidia" proof please.

"Basically anything under a i7 4820 is $ for $ worse then a FX 83xx or 63xx paired with a GCN based GPU" Flat out lie. Check any benchmark from any reputable source. An 83xx or 63xx can't even beat an old i5 2500 in many tasks.

"Quit trolling with Intel based info" Quite the hypocrite,

"Not to mention 4440 I5 for sure can't beat a steamroller CPU" What steamroller CPUs? The APUs? With a dedicated video card the 4440 will blow away an FX CPU, let alone steamroller APUs :lol: And considering AMD have announced they won't be updating the FX line with new CPUs it's pointless going with the AM3+ socket.

Your "AMD Loyal Gamer" sig made me laugh.

EDIT: To OP, you'll be fine with a 4440.
😵 ? Ok Thanks for your answers, now I know the cpu will be fine. However this discussion has gone a different way personally I like intel for cpu but R9 280x is a sweat spot with 3 Gb vram, so this time intel/amd will be my choice.

So if you don't have any other comment on the topic, I'll just choose best answer and close this as soon as I find out how, Thanks btw