Will i5 4690k will bottlenck GTX 980?

Just overclock the 980 and it will be as good as the Ti if you get a good graphics card. I would get a 970 and the new 6700k though
GTX 970: Best power for the price (Ultra 1080p, Medium 1440p)
GTX 980: Powerful but very pricey (Ultra 1080p, Medium-High 1440p)
GTX 980TI: Very powerful but not worth the performance for the price (Ultra 1080p, High 1440p,) If money is no object SLI this Monster.


Agreed, if one is to buy a 980 then go for the 980 Ti, otherwise you might as well go for the 970 if want a good price/performance.
If you game on 1080p, no need for GTX980, a GTX970 will do.
If you game on 2560x1440, get better GTX980Ti or GTX970 for budget solution.
If you game on 4k, GTX980Ti is a must, 2 of them if you can.

GTX980 is really overpriced for what it can do.

GTX980Ti is near to 2xGTX970 (2x€330) on SLI, both from price and from performance. (70-80% faster than a single GTX970)...free from any SLI issues
GTX980 is only max 30-40% faster (under certain conditions, under normal conditions only 15-20% faster) with €200 more expensive than GTX970
So using €330 GTX970 as reference...€530 for a GTX980 (15-40% faster) or €680 for a GTX980Ti (70-80% faster)? It is up to you.

Just stick to the i5 4690k. It won't bottleneck ANY GPU setup out there. It's a VERY powerfull gaming CPU and you won't run into any problems with it for years. :)
And yes, you'll be maxing out pretty much anything with steady 60fps @1080p with an i5 4690k + GTX980.

CPU's really don't need overclocking but the K version of CPU's are there if you want to but if you do overclock your warranty is void and you can not get a RMA/refund if it dies. Yes you get more speed and power but there are so many more cons to overclocking.

If your not overclocking get the none K version.


The current CPU i have is an AMD FX 8300, does it bottlenck GTX 980? So your advice is to go to buy i5?