[SOLVED] Will it be that much slower

It's backwards compatible but given your prebuilt is based on the first gen Core i processors from Intel, I'm worried that you will end up with a black screen in spite of booting into OS GUI. You also forgot to mention what the make and model of the PSU is inside the chassis. How old is the PSU, mind you? PSU's capacitors aging can and will reduce effective power output from the PSU.
It's backwards compatible but given your prebuilt is based on the first gen Core i processors from Intel, I'm worried that you will end up with a black screen in spite of booting into OS GUI. You also forgot to mention what the make and model of the PSU is inside the chassis. How old is the PSU, mind you? PSU's capacitors aging can and will reduce effective power output from the PSU.

I will get a 600W, 650W or 700W PSU I know about the PSU. I will go to the persone who i got the PC from and give him the PSU and GPU and the pc offcorse and he will build it and if enythings wrong i will have to get a new motherboard and cpu