Will it bottleneck?


Dec 31, 2016
Will an intel i3 3240 3.4ghz bottleneck a gtx 1050/1050ti, rx460 2gb/4gb Which graphics card should i pick?
I'm going to disagree with some of those here. I think that i3 is new enough to qualify as a decent budget gaming CPU. It certainly has enough power for esports games, which MOBAs are. A 460 2gb or 1050 would be fine, the 1050 being faster but more expensive. Where you would feel the effect of the dual core w/hyperthreading is in games that really need a quad core CPU, GTA V is an example of this, BF1 is another.
First off, that processor is really aging and was low end even at its release. I would get the cheapest rx 460 or 1050 you can find and pair it with an i3 6100, becuase that other i3 would bottleneck pretty much any modern GPU.
I wish people would stop asking these question, not to be rude. Nobody can say that component X will bottle component Y de facto. There's just some considerations; will the bottleneck degrade performance to less than you require? Is there enough left in your CPU to provide a performance benefit with a new GPU in comparison to your existing one? and then is it worth it to yourself for that extra performance (if any)?

'Bottlenecking' is largely on a case by case basis and even with a 'bottleneck', it doesn't mean you're going to get worse/the same performance relative to what you are currently experiencing, you most likely will gain performance.

So what games do you play and what is your current GPU?
It has only the integrated graphics. It's a pc that i want to buy really. I actually like to play mobas, but with the pc update i want to try some more demanding games, that's why i want to pick a card that will use the rest of the pc fully. But in the same time i dont want to waste my money on too powerfull cards. Ty for responding😀

If you don't own it don't buy it expecting to make it better, the CPU is getting old and the only CPU replacement you could get is a 3770 which would be excellent but 2nd hand. If you have a budget but can't afford too much then start off low and add the GPU later buying just the essentials.


I thought you already owned it. Also, unfortunately, MOBA's are usually more CPU bound, you probably wouldn't gain enough performance to warrant the price of a 1050/TI or an RX 460.
I'm going to disagree with some of those here. I think that i3 is new enough to qualify as a decent budget gaming CPU. It certainly has enough power for esports games, which MOBAs are. A 460 2gb or 1050 would be fine, the 1050 being faster but more expensive. Where you would feel the effect of the dual core w/hyperthreading is in games that really need a quad core CPU, GTA V is an example of this, BF1 is another.