Will leaving my computer on while in cold weather damage it?


Nov 6, 2018
i left my computer on sleep mode in a tempature of around 20 degrees fahrenheit will that damage it at all?
Cold itself won't do anything. The thing you have to watch out for is condensation when moving it back into a warmer room. Just make sure you leave it off for a while so that the condensation has time to evaporate.
My case fans don't like starting in cold mornings, they make a strange noise, but that could also be dust on them ( I have cleaned the dust since). That would been on nights when it got down to -10C (14F) so not normal for my area

I had AI suite installed when I 1st made PC and had it controlling fans in PC, twice it got so cold in my room that it turned my CPU fan off completely. That soon makes you react and case fans suddenly hit max speed. I quickly removed the program and let the UEFI look after fans from that point on.
Question from uoi : "Left my computer on in the cold"

i left it on for around 24 hours with it being 20 degrees fahrenheit or lower when i got back it started making a loud buzzing noise and everything on the monitor lagged behind why is that?

None of that should matter in sleep mode though. Low temps affect hdds so much because the increased viscosity of the lubricant prohibits the platters from spining at their correct speeds. That causes it to write incorrectly and corrupt existing data that gets modified. He just really needs to not let it spin up before getting warm.