My current planned setup for the loop is
Res->MCP655->1st 4x120 Rad->2x GPU->2nd 4x120 Rad-.Ram block 1->Motherboard block part 1->Apogee drive II w/MCP35x->motherboard block part 2->ram block 2-> Res
Wondering if I should have a high enough flow rate for this loop, I may also separate it into 2 loops and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions?
Res->MCP655->1st 4x120 Rad->2x GPU->2nd 4x120 Rad-.Ram block 1->Motherboard block part 1->Apogee drive II w/MCP35x->motherboard block part 2->ram block 2-> Res
Wondering if I should have a high enough flow rate for this loop, I may also separate it into 2 loops and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions?