will my Amd athlon ii x2 220 2.80 ghz bottleneck Evga gtx geforce 750 ti Sc

miracle happen

Mar 27, 2016
Hi,I am planning to buy a Evga gtx geforce 750 ti Superclocked 2 GB version and I d ont know if my Amd athlon ii x2 220 2.80 ghz will keep up or bottleneck this gpu

motherboard:N-Alvorix-RS880-uATX (Alvorix)
chipset: 785G
video card :ATI Radeon HD 4200
6GB Ram
resolution 1600x900

Please help thanks

find yourself a 95w phenom 2 1055t

then you can have a nice little gaming system with a 750 ti
The athlon x2 will get bottleneck like hell don't get a GTX 750 Ti. Get a R7 250. If you want better performance with a very tiny or even no bottleneck at all get an R7 250X both cards will run decent with it. Although the R7 250X will run games better.

So what is the best the cpu i could get?
my motherboard only supports am3 socket and max tdp of 95w

and I want at least to play fullscreen Warframe at low or medium settings