Will my computer built in Europe work in the US?


Oct 4, 2017
So I have the following specs and I'm worried my PSU will not work in the US, seeing how its voltage requirements are higher than what they are in the US. I have:
MBO ASRock 980DE3/U3S3 R2.0
CPU AMD FX-8300 3.3GHz
GPU MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti OC 2GB DDR5 128-bit v1
16 GB of RAM DDR3 1600MHz CL11
PSU Thermaltake Smart SE 530W

Do I need to be worried about the PSU or get a new one in the US? Are any of the other components affected?

Thanks for any replies
Karadjgne is correct. There are several different TT 530 smart SE PSUs, or maybe I'm just confusing them.


If this is your PSU then it seems you have one of the first kinds of PSUs that Karadjgne mentioned. If you look at the "input voltage", it says 200-240V. So it lacks any way to accept 110-115V.


Here is an older version of the 530W SE that does have support.

– Input Voltage 100 VAC ~ 240 VAC

If this is your PSU then all you need is a USA plug. Or an adapter. If you want a 100% answer we'll need to know EXACTLY which PSU you have.
What moogle89 says is true, and based on your PSU, the spec sheet says its 240v only so wont work.

If you are looking for a replacement, a lot of PSU's have a switch for changing between 110/115v - 220/240v.
You need to check if you have this and ensure its set correctly before connecting it up and turning the machine on.
Alternatively, you can get models with Universal input voltage. They will have a spec sheet listing the input voltages they accept and should be good anywhere.

Something like this Leadex one for example
The pc itself is universal already, it's 3.3,5,12v DC. So the internal parts are all interchangeable across international borders. The psu is the only questionable part. There's 3 different kinds of psus. Fixed voltage which are 115v or 230v dedicated, universal voltage which are plug and play wherever (just need the right cord+plug), and switchable where there's a small slider switch for 115v/230v at the back of the psu next to the receptacle. The dedicated psu will not work in different electrical grids from its intended market, the other 2 kinds will, the 50/60Hz difference not being an issue.
Karadjgne is correct. There are several different TT 530 smart SE PSUs, or maybe I'm just confusing them.


If this is your PSU then it seems you have one of the first kinds of PSUs that Karadjgne mentioned. If you look at the "input voltage", it says 200-240V. So it lacks any way to accept 110-115V.


Here is an older version of the 530W SE that does have support.

– Input Voltage 100 VAC ~ 240 VAC

If this is your PSU then all you need is a USA plug. Or an adapter. If you want a 100% answer we'll need to know EXACTLY which PSU you have.