Will my CPU bottleneck my Gpu


Feb 3, 2013
I got a Gigabyte SKT-AM3+ 970A-D3 Motherboard with a AMD Bulldozer FX-6100 Socket AM3+ 6 Core Processor - 3.30GHz, 3.90GHz Turbo but at stock, not over clocked, oh and I got 16gb ram

And iv just ordered a EVGA gtx 670 ftw edition which is 2gb,

So I'm not bottlenecking anything am I?

Soon I was thinking of changing my CPU to a fx8350
If you don't overclock your cpu will be definitely bottlenecking that card. Even if overclocked at 4ghz the cpu would be bottlenecking the gtx 670 a bit.

With an fx 8350 you would definitely be fine. But i would reccomend waiting for steamroller and seeing how it performs.