Will my gtx660 paird with second card will do good in 2916 gaming?


Oh I didn't even know it was using the frostbite engine. If other frostbite games like bf4 are anything to go buy (the engine in mass effect may be very different than bf4 version of the frostbite engine so this may be a bad comparison not sure) then the system requirements will likely be high. Your current cpu would probably not do a very good job, 660s in sli might be okay for high settings however with MSAA or other heavy AA types it will probably use more than 2gb of vram but again just a guess. I would recommend you just save up for a new cpu and gpu maybe something like an i5 4460 and a gtx 970 or r9 390 if you want the best experience.
Well for sli you would need another gtx 660 and what cpu do you have? Mass effect andromeda is a while down the road and I haven't the slightest idea what its system requirements will be but if mass effect 3 is anything to go by then your 660 will be more than enough. So yah if I had to guess your 660 alone would be enough for andromeda but only enough dont expect to be maxing the game out. In sli it will probably be more than enough assuming it doesn't require more than 2gb of VRAM, its possible it will on higher settings.

That all just a guess like I said I have no idea what the system requirements will be.
The new mass effect will be [strike]UE4 engine[/strike] (Frostbite?), so if you want to crank up the settings that 660 won't do it. neither will SLI. Better just to wait until the game comes out and get the newest card.

If you can play BF4 on max settings, than you should be able to play the ME on high.

Oh I didn't even know it was using the frostbite engine. If other frostbite games like bf4 are anything to go buy (the engine in mass effect may be very different than bf4 version of the frostbite engine so this may be a bad comparison not sure) then the system requirements will likely be high. Your current cpu would probably not do a very good job, 660s in sli might be okay for high settings however with MSAA or other heavy AA types it will probably use more than 2gb of vram but again just a guess. I would recommend you just save up for a new cpu and gpu maybe something like an i5 4460 and a gtx 970 or r9 390 if you want the best experience.