Will my i5-4690k bottleneck the GTX 1070?

There will be no bottlenecking of the GPU with that i5. A 4690k can handle pretty much any GPU with no bottlenecking due to its solid 4 cores. An i3 would bottleneck it though due to its 2 cores.


I mean yes--the non-k 4690 will be OK with the 1070. The 4690 will not bottleneck the 1070. In fact, old top-line Sandy Bridges will not bottleneck the 1070.

Yes, the 4690 is exactly the same as the 4690k its just the K can be overclocked. An i5 can handle any GPU

Ultra settings at 1080p with framerate limited to 59 fps. In the heavily urbanized areas it drops to low 40s fps and nothing I do with the gpu's settings resolves this, therefore I guess it is a cpu problem.

Ok thanks for the help


The frame drops in urban areas is actually a shadow optimization problem Google it and you can manually alter the config. Once I did I get 55fps min in city with everything ultra on 4690k w/ gtx 970 ssc

yep, fallout 4 is actually a pretty poorly optimised game.

Thanks, that worked perfectly. Turned shadows from 4096 to 512 and I can't tell the difference in quality but get a good boost to fps.