Will my intel i5 4670k (haswell) bottleneck my Sapphire R9 280x toxic at stock speed?


Oct 13, 2013

I would like to ask if my 4670k bottleneck my Sapphire R9 280x Toxic at stock speed since I'm not planning to overclock my CPU unless really needed. I'm using corsair H100i CPU cooler. If there is a need to overclock the CPU, please advise on the speed(Ghz) that would be sufficient. Also, If I'm playing Crysis 3 or Battlefield 4, do I really need to OC my CPU?

No, that processor will not bottleneck your GPU... ! I also have Intel Core i5 4670k.... Like you also I had questions in mind that if it will bottleneck my Graphics card!? But I got the answer that it will not...

PS: Haswell Processors are fare way better than AMD FX- 4xxx/6xxx/8xxx.... Don't have much info about AMD FX 9xxx...

Thanks for your inputs guys.. I've read reviews that Haswells tend to heat-up insanely and that it can't overlock as much as Sandy's and Ivy's?


Remember that if you are overclocking then never overclock with STOCK INTEL COOLER...as Stock intel coolers are not able to handle that temperature,,,,hence it may tear you processor apart... Some of the stock AMD coolers are only capable of handling overclocking...

If you want to go with air then go with CoolerMaster HyperEvo 212...
If you want to go with water then my recommendation would be to build your own water cooling system...or else go with corsair water coolers (Corsair H100i)

No as per my experience my processor doesn't heat up insanely... My PC has HWMonitor always running in background for temperature markings... If you overclock then only it would heat up more...
PS: Intel coolers are not very good...
If u are gaming, most of the gamers overclock their Processors as well as graphics care to get higher performance than stock one.. And if u OC then u do need an aftermarket cooler or a water cooler... If not then also when u do gaming ir processor and graphics card heat up creating a hot environment inside ur case.. At stock cooler also the temperatures may rise up to 65C or above while gaming.. I would recommend to get an air cooler or a water cooler rather to use the stock one..
Ah no.. Most of gamers know what is inside their PC.. There are a few gamers who only do gaming without knowing what OCing really is? For a stand they need to know what is really inside their PC then understand few terms related to gaming and OCing.. Without any knowledge no one should even try to OC for just fun.. The ones who buy a custom PC from a company like MainGear or CyberPower PC knows what is inside their PC and they also open up their PC for further custom changes..
Then the general "gamer" I have met is certainly uneducated about their hardware.

Generally when I ask about what processor they have, they say the got a I7. I ask which they don't know.
When I then check their hardware I see a Phenom II(exampe) sitting there.

Most people are also afraid of overclocking, because of the rumor of it reducing the processor lifetime.
Ah yes I have also met some people like this also.. I ask them which processor ? They say i7.. I ask Haswell or Ivy? They say what's that?
Some of the gamers, yes, are unknown of their PC's hardware..
OCing does not actually reduce ur processors life but the heat evolved due to overclock do reduce.. If you use a good cooler as per ur OC presets u don't need to be afraid..