Will my laptop be able to play CoD Ghosts?


Nov 5, 2013
GPU: Nvidia GT 735M
CPU: Intel Core i7-3537U CPU @2.00GHz
Memory: 8.00GB RAM (7.88 GB usable)
Resolution: 1920x1080
Operating system: Windows 8

I know the graphics card is weak but would it still be possible to play it on low settings?

BF4 runs perfectly, but thats only on low settings
Thanks for the replies! I was a little sceptical on whether to buy it or not, as I've heard of some situations where the game won't work if certain requirements aren't met.

What kind of FPS would I be looking at while playing? And would I be able to play online without any issues?

Thanks :) I don't know much about graphics cards, or even good specs for a gaming laptop, but I'll be getting the game today so hopefully it'll work with decent graphics in single player as well as multiplayer (Y)