Will My Motherboard Act As a Bottleneck?


May 12, 2012
Hi everyone. I'm after a little advice.

I feel the need to update.

I game a little although it's mainly for video editing.

My system is adequate although it needs a boost for more intensive programs (grading/special effects).

My question is do I just upgrade my graphics card and cpu and possibly a SSD for my OS or would it benefit/be cost effective to build a new computer.

My current rig

i5 750@ 2.67GHz
12gb DDR3
P7P55D LE - Asus Motherboard
HD Radeon 5770

I guess I am asking is would the motherboard act as a bottleneck for a newer cpu and graphics card. I have no idea how this motherboard compares to it's present equivalent.

Thanks for reading.

You can't upgrade the cpu as different sockets. If you want a new cpu, you will have to upgrade the motherboard. That motherboard look fine to overclock if you want. This would allow you to still keep the i7 and the motherboard so you can upgrade the gpu depending on your budget.
Ah OK. Thanks.

Overclocking a 5 year old system seems a little redundant.

Will swapping my RAM from 12gb (over 4 slots) to 2 x8gb make a huge difference?

Seems like by what you're saying an upgrade might be the way to go.