so i've been meaning to upgrade my system for a while now, i checked the compability for my other components i already have and approved they will work together with a Zotac GTX 970 Amp! Omega, but i forgot about my mobo and i want to double check if the graphics card im going to buy is actually compatible with my mobo and if it actually fits since its really huge.
also im ordering my components from the one place i could find it in my country and they don't have a return policy so i'm kinda worried.
my current mobo : GA-P61A-D3 (rev. 2.0)
Mobo Website
The GPU i wanna get : Zotac GTX 970 AMP! Omega Edition
GPU Website
also im ordering my components from the one place i could find it in my country and they don't have a return policy so i'm kinda worried.
my current mobo : GA-P61A-D3 (rev. 2.0)
Mobo Website
The GPU i wanna get : Zotac GTX 970 AMP! Omega Edition
GPU Website