Will my PC bottleneck a 980?


Jun 18, 2014
Hi I want to purchase a 980 but I am scared my PC will bottleneck
I currently have a
A10 6790k
8bg ram
Is this information sufficient for you to determine if my pc will bottleneck or not?
First off it depends on the game.Your ram should be fine in any game but your cpu will definetly bottleneck in games that use more cpu power.now if you are getting a 980 for 1080p gaming at 60fps the 980 is overkill and the 970 should be plenty. I think it would be a better idea to get a new cpu and a 970. I do not if you can fit any better cpus on your mobo but if you can you should definetly upgrade to it, or get a new mobo and an intel i5

i'm going to quote myself in another thread

Every computer at every moment is ALWAYS bottlenecked by SOMETHING. Technically your computer is only as fast as it's slowest part at any one time. Even with a mighty intel cpu there will be times when the intel cpu will bottleneck your rig. So saying it "may" bottleneck something is like saying the sky is blue.

If you're playing a game like Rome: Total War, your cpu will be a significant bottleneck whether you're using an AMD or an i7... it's just not a well coded game. As a result adding more/better gpus won't help you in the end at all. The only thing that will help you is overclocking or getting a faster cpu.

btw: When talking about bottlenecking, understand that your monitor is probably the biggest bottleneck in your system, anyone on a 60hz monitor is effectively capped at 60fps which means that your AMD will probably give you just as good an experience as a high end intel cpu. (any piledriver holding a 4.4ghz overclock will hit 60fps on ultra settings in pretty much any game). It sometimes makes me laugh when people come onto these forums with a 720p 60hz monitor and people start telling them to upgrade to an i5 over their perfectly serviceable fx6 core. what people should be telling him is to overclock it a little bit (any fx cpu will hit 4.4ghz, even the worst overclocking ones will do it) or maybe trade up on the gpu and monitor for a better gaming experience.

Basically your system is always bottlenecked by something. so yes, your cpu will bottleneck you at times.

What is your monitor? if you're on 1080p/60hz monitor or smaller that 980 is MAJOR overkill. you can get 60fps from a r9-280x or gtx 770/960 just fine.

I'm pretty sure that even a GTX 680 would be bottlenecked by his CPU. He needs both a CPU/motherboard upgrade and a new graphics card if he wants more GPU power.

overclock the a10, it's a richmond (piledriver v2) cored apu, it will overclock easily and very well, get it as solid an overclock as you can, and buy yourself a r9-280x or gtx960.
For the price you would pay for a cheap GTX 980 You can get a Core i5 4440, a new motherboard, and a GTX 970. This would be a killer setup for gaming.

PCPartPicker part list: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Kkr4jX
Price breakdown by merchant: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Kkr4jX/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($174.99 @ NCIX US)
Motherboard: MSI H81M-P33 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($44.88 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($329.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $549.85
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-01-28 22:41 EST-0500

the 970 and i5 are overkill for 1080p and 60hz

that said i'd not buy a 970 till this gets straightened out

From the article itself, "The GeForce GTX 970 remains one of the best graphics card buys on the market. It performs the same way it did at launch — which is really good. As such, we will continue to recommend it until there is a better-performing option for the price."
They continue to recommend the product so I will too.

I have a Core i5 CPU and I have a GTX 770. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to play new games at 1080p and 60 fps with decent settings. So it wouldn't hurt to have a GTX 970 or R9 290 to play at higher settings in 1080p and get good frame rates. I'd say that a GTX 970 or R9 290 is just right for ultra or near ultra settings at 1080p. That's not overkill... At least not overkill to me.

I have a fx8320 and a r9-280x and i've yet to find a game i can't play on ultra at 60fps. sure in some cases i have to turn down AA, but ultra is ultra.

what games are you playing you can't hit 60fps in on decent settings? If you say fc4, or AC:U that's the game being a buggy mess, not your hardware (those games don't run well on better hardware either. they're just a mess)
Ok so first off THANK YOU for all the advice, I've decided to save off buying a 980 and instead got a used 780 for $160, problem is my CPU is bottlenecking it and my motherboard doesn't allow me to unlock the voltages to overclock my 6790k so I just decided to save up for a 4690k and a motherboard.
First off it depends on the game.Your ram should be fine in any game but your cpu will definetly bottleneck in games that use more cpu power.now if you are getting a 980 for 1080p gaming at 60fps the 980 is overkill and the 970 should be plenty. I think it would be a better idea to get a new cpu and a 970. I do not if you can fit any better cpus on your mobo but if you can you should definetly upgrade to it, or get a new mobo and an intel i5