Will my PC bottleneck a GTX 1080?

this PSU is far from best. while you can use it, it wouldn't hurt to upgrade it to better unit. there are plenty of decent PSUs in 50-100$ range.
there is no bottlenecking in your system.
it supposed to run just fine as long as your monitor resolution 1080p or higher :)
had to smile about the ram thing!

a friend of mine has the same specs like me, the psu size differ.
the only thing yours and ours differ is that we run a 4770K (i oc'd , he didnt.)
he got himself a 1080 amp extreme and has absolutely no problems.
the only thing that could do trouble is what logainofhades said.
this PSU is far from best. while you can use it, it wouldn't hurt to upgrade it to better unit. there are plenty of decent PSUs in 50-100$ range.
there is no bottlenecking in your system.
it supposed to run just fine as long as your monitor resolution 1080p or higher :)