Will my pentium dual cpu e2200 bottleneck

Sep 3, 2018
I am having a very old crappy pc but inventing on it by small amounts . Recently i bought a Gigabyte gt 1030, a1tb hdd with 2 gb of ddr2 ram stick and a 450watt psu. And i am having a Intel pentium dual cpu e2200 @2.2 ghz and 4gb of ddr2 ram. While playing games like AC4 on high settings i get about 30-40 fps. But i installed watch dogs and gta v and they were lagging and stuttering like hell. Watch dogs had the worst case.
So is my cpu bottlenecking my gpu because only 20 fps on AAA titled is unbeareble for me .
So please tell me is it bottlenecking or is something else.? Sorry for a long queztion
Used from China its around 20$-30$ with sticker, you have to do only bios mod/insert codes to support xeon.
If you wanna, I can link you site.
By the way thanks to all of you for your response. Another thing is that shall i buy a 2nd hand intel core 2 quad q9650 as i cant upgrade ram until and unless i don't change my motherboard.
Its asus p5kpl-cm and it does support q9650. So shall i go for it?
Some games need a quad core. So your dual core is going to struggle with those. Some games, like Watch Dogs, are poorly optimized so your computer will struggle on those. You happened to pick two of the worst games to try to run on your computer.

I would upgrade to that 9650 assuming it doesn't cost too much. You can use the extra performance. It should help GTA V framerate quite a bit. I advise you to find another open world game instead of Watch Dogs. Maybe one of the Saint's Row games is worth a look.