Hey, so I recently purchased a GTX 1070 MSI x gaming I think its called and it should arrive on the 3rd. And I need to know if my ThermalTake TR2 700w will be able to handle it? I know 700w is plenty enough but I heard my power supply dies pretty often with higher end cards. I know its bronze 80 plus or whatever but I sold my graphics card around 2 weeks ago and have been dying to play some games again and having my new 1070 which is very expensive (to me atleast) dying would be pretty awful. Should I buy a new PSU which I would have to wait a bit to be able to afford or would my power supply be good / alright? I honestly don't care if the power supply dies its if it brings anything with it. Sorry if that was a little bit hard to read. Thanks alot 
Note: I used the PSU for maybe a year and a half with a GTX 970 and i5 4690k with no issues. And if it does someway kill my GPU will the warranty cover the GPU or just the Power Supply?
PSU: https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Bronze-BRONZE-Haswell-TR-700CNUS/dp/B008MF4RJU
GPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127947

Note: I used the PSU for maybe a year and a half with a GTX 970 and i5 4690k with no issues. And if it does someway kill my GPU will the warranty cover the GPU or just the Power Supply?
PSU: https://www.amazon.com/Thermaltake-Bronze-BRONZE-Haswell-TR-700CNUS/dp/B008MF4RJU
GPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127947