Will my power supply suffice and do i need more fans?

The case seems to come with just one 120mm fan. It will probably suffice as the GPU has modest TDP.

If you want to build a quiet system you can add a second fan and run them at lower RPM. Depends a bit on the acoustics of the case. You might need to replace the original fan then and also consider that GPU/CPU fans may be more noisy.
Yes...your PSU is suffice.......and i don't think u need extra fans...the stock ones will do their work.

Check the temps while using.....if they are high....then you can consider...

Can you link the full pc? As not any 400w psu might do ( a lot are actually terrible and have a high chance to break your pc).
CPU: i5 7600 (wanted kaby lake but it doesnt go with my mobo unless i do a bios update wherefore i dont have a extra cpu to do it). (https://www.processorstore.nl/product/758814/intel-core-i5-7600-kaby-lake.html)

GPU: Geforce GTX 1060 (https://www.nvidia.nl/graphics-cards/geforce/pascal/gtx-1060/)

Case: Corsair carbide SPEC-01 RED LED (https://www.processorstore.nl/product/451871/category-212273/corsair-carbide-spec-01-red-led.html)

Motherboard: MSI B150 PC MATE (https://www.processorstore.nl/product/748047/category-212275/msi-b150-pc-mate.html#product_specifications)

RAM: Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX 2x4GB 2133 C13 Red (https://www.megekko.nl/product/2046/351384/DDR4/Corsair-DDR4-Vengeance-LPX-2x4GB-2133-C13-Red/)

Hard drive HDD: WD BLUE WD10EZEX 1 TB (https://www.hardeschijfstore.nl/product/273002/category-183881/wd-blue-wd10ezex-1-tb.html)

Power supply: 400 watt (https://www.videokaartshop.nl/product/765773/category-207253/cooler-master-masterwatt-lite-400.html)
500 watt (https://www.videokaartshop.nl/product/765774/category-207253/cooler-master-masterwatt-lite-500.html)

So my cpu also says kaby lake behind it but without a k behind 7600. I put the parts on pcpartpicker and it said its bios doesnt need an update with the i5-7600 kaby lake but it does with the i5-7600K kaby lake?! While it work al do it says i5-7600 kaby lake. Sorry for this but I am confused and this is my first time building a pc.

Thanks a lot do.

Problem 1 is that the b150 board does need a bios update (older revision).
Problem 2 those psu's are garbage and will not power this pc.
Also I'll make you a ryzen build thats just better if you want.

Also look here: https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/
give your parts in and you'll see what store sells them the cheapest + go to megekko it's cheaper than coolblue overall and they have a better part selection (way better psu's that aren't to expensive).
The case seems to come with just one 120mm fan. It will probably suffice as the GPU has modest TDP.

If you want to build a quiet system you can add a second fan and run them at lower RPM. Depends a bit on the acoustics of the case. You might need to replace the original fan then and also consider that GPU/CPU fans may be more noisy.
Problem 1 is that the b150 board does need a bios update (older revision).
Problem 2 those psu's are garbage and will not power this pc.
Also I'll make you a ryzen build thats just better if you want.

Also look here: https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/
give your parts in and you'll see what store sells them the cheapest + go to megekko it's cheaper than coolblue overall and they have a better part selection (way better psu's that aren't to expensive).
This will work with a Kaby lake right

Motherboard: MSI B250M PRO-VDH (https://www.processorstore.nl/product/759789/category-212275/msi-b250m-pro-vdh.html#product_specifications)