Kevin_247 :
CPU: i5 7600 (wanted kaby lake but it doesnt go with my mobo unless i do a bios update wherefore i dont have a extra cpu to do it). (
GPU: Geforce GTX 1060 (
Case: Corsair carbide SPEC-01 RED LED (
Motherboard: MSI B150 PC MATE (
RAM: Corsair DDR4 Vengeance LPX 2x4GB 2133 C13 Red (
Hard drive HDD: WD BLUE WD10EZEX 1 TB (
Power supply: 400 watt (
500 watt (
So my cpu also says kaby lake behind it but without a k behind 7600. I put the parts on pcpartpicker and it said its bios doesnt need an update with the i5-7600 kaby lake but it does with the i5-7600K kaby lake?! While it work al do it says i5-7600 kaby lake. Sorry for this but I am confused and this is my first time building a pc.
Thanks a lot do.
Problem 1 is that the b150 board does need a bios update (older revision).
Problem 2 those psu's are garbage and will not power this pc.
Also I'll make you a ryzen build thats just better if you want.
Also look here:
give your parts in and you'll see what store sells them the cheapest + go to megekko it's cheaper than coolblue overall and they have a better part selection (way better psu's that aren't to expensive).