Will my PSU I plan to buy fit in my case?


Jan 27, 2014
Oh and to answer your question. It's an ATX case so any ATX power supply will fit meaning 95% of the units on the market are fine. Stick with tier 2 and up on the list I posted above for quality. Tier 3 with a lower end GPU.

Thank you for the insight! I am embarrassingly new at this and need a LOT of guidance. I was planning on having two AMD GPUs http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=8744510&CatId=7387 (most likely just one for now and buy a duplicate later) and thought 800 would be a safe amount. I was thinking of going with an intel cpu but no idea which what else I should get RAM wise or hdd wise. I plan on using the computer for a little gaming, school/work, and bitcoin mining (if that is possible)