will my r9 280x bottleneck my fx 6300


Feb 17, 2014
my wife got me a new video card for my birthday. it is an r9 280x. I am wondering if I will have any bottlenecking problems with the two. Also if they do not bottleneck, how long do I have before the fx 6300 loses its steam and wont be able to play modern games at 1080p. my processor is overclocked to 4.2ghz just as a side note. Thanks in advance
First of all,a GPU can't bottleneck a CPU. A CPU can bottleneck a GPU
No,your FX won't bottleneck the R9 280X since it's OC'd to 4.2 GHz. A stock FX-6300 would bottleneck it.
Great wife,btw. My GF would never get me such a present for my birthday. 😛
All the best. :)
First of all,a GPU can't bottleneck a CPU. A CPU can bottleneck a GPU
No,your FX won't bottleneck the R9 280X since it's OC'd to 4.2 GHz. A stock FX-6300 would bottleneck it.
Great wife,btw. My GF would never get me such a present for my birthday. 😛
All the best. :)

Not quite...

Not quite what?

Highlighted / underlined part.

My friend had a FX-6300 and an R9 280X.The stock bottlenecked the GPU.
When he OC'd it to 4.3 GHz,all of his problems were gone.
When playing CPU intensive games,of course. 😛
Thanks everyone for the replies. I got the r9 280x installed last night and at 1080p I can hit 75-80 fps using mantle with dips in really big maps only hitting 69 fps on BF4. I haven't really played a lot of mmos. I have been playing games such as tomb raider, thief, hitman absolution, dirt 3 etc

That's awsome.
Have fun with your GPU. 😉