Will my system fit a HD7970 ghz?


Mar 17, 2012
Hi. I am looking to upgrade from a hd7870 to a hd7970 ghz edition but before i do i want to make sure i don't order anything without triple checking it will all fit. Any input would be appreciated!

System specs:

Motherboard: Asus rampage extreme 2
Computer case: CM Storm trooper
Processor: Intel core i7 920 OC'd to 3.3ghz(going to 4ghz soon)
CPU fan: Noctua NH-D14
Power supply: Delta ps2 ex 750w(Might get a corsair 750w because this one is REALLY old)
Graphics card: HD7870
RAM: 6x2gb brand is elpida or something.

If i missed something important please let me know :) Thanks!

Why don't you just compare the dimensions of both cards and see if you have the extra space in your current setup? It will probably fit, but why can't you measure yourself?

Someone might just happen to have the same configuration as you, but we still don't know how your case is configured inside.
Also, do go on and get a better, reliable PSU before you damage that system of yours. Corsair make great PSU and have good sales going on. So get a new PSU and Sapphire HD 7970 Dual -X and OC that beast.
@hero1 Thanks i think i will get a corsair 750w. Still looking at different 7970s though because i read some are now voltage locked D:

@tigerg Yes i could open my PC and measure how much space i have leftover, but i thought i would ask on here first. I got a PC shop to put my computer together so i'm not too smart with this stuff. Before i order it i will take a look though. Thanks :)

Yeah man, don't be afraid of opening up your computer! :) Open it up (and be sure to touch some metal on the case first too) and have a look inside. If you search online, you can find the dimensions of your current card as well as the card you want to buy. Find out the difference between the two and add that to your current card. You can cut out some paper to the right size and put it in to see. When you see it has plenty of room, you'll feel even better about your build. Good luck!!

Mine are fine and can OC like crazy and never touched the voltages or power. I get all of this OC using stock power and voltage. So no issue with Sapphire. I'd check them out before other brands. They sure love to optimize for quality and great user experience.