Question Will Not Wake from Sleep Mode


Dec 17, 2019
Product: HP All-in-One - 22-b226on 65XX
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

I'm having some issues getting the computer to wake up after putting it into sleep mode.
So, here's what I've done so far:

Naturally I restarted the computer, after it fully botted up, I then put it into sleep mode, gave it a minute or two, and tried to wake it up by pressing a button on my keyboard. I could hear things revving back up, but the screen remained black. (off, although the yellow power light is on).

After that, I held down the power button for about five seconds, it went through something of a restart, and I was back at my desktop.

Next, I checked in Device Manager, under Keyboards, and "allow this device to wake the computer" was checked.

Following that, I ran Windows Update, but everything was up to date.

I then checked, and ran, updates from HP. There were about eight of them, so they downloaded and installed, and after that I tested again. It goes to sleep, I press a button, I hear the fan and it sounds like waking up, but again the screen is dark.

Next, I ran Windows Power troubleshooter, it found two issues (time before display goes to sleep is too long, and time before computer goes to sleep is too long), fixed those, gave it a few seconds, put it once again into sleep mode, but with the exact same results.

With no success, I then want to update the BIOS. Went to Device Manager > Firmware > System Firmware > Update Driver > Automatically Download. That took about a minute, said it was was completed, clicked ok, and went back to my desktop. Rebooted the computer, tried again, heard everything go to sleep, habit a few moments, pressed a key, hear stuff powering back up, the power light is on, but screen is still black. As an aside, I went to HP Support to look for BIOS, but had no idea which of the five options were the correct one (if any of them are).

Looking for some ideas for what else to try. Thanks.
On occasion one of my older monitors does not come on after sleep/wake.
I can fix it by powering off the monitor and powering it back on.

I think the problem is the very aggressive sleep states now available .
They lower the standby voltage to the point where the monitor can not detect the wake up command.

See if you can find in the motherboard bios some setting is defaulting to a low power sleep state like(c1?)
set it to c3.

Since HP is responsible for both the motherboard and monitor, it really is their problem.
Possibly the electrical quality of the monitor is sufficiently variable to cause this issue.
I suspect a bios update is needed past whatever you have installed.
I went to update the bios, and according to my system information, I have BIOS Version/Date AMI F.45, 6/4/2019, motherboard ID 8245,
So, I went to find the download the file, and here is what I see:

I'm guessing it would be the third one, but that's older then the current version, and I'm not sure if going back is the right back.

Additionally, I'm now seeing that I have a lot of missing files, and no restore points. What the frak is going on?
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OK lets try this, go to settings, power and sleep, to the right of page click on additional power settings, to the right of that page click on change plan settings, click on change plan settings, a small box will appear, go down to sleep and make sure it says wake timers enabled. Wait on bios update.