Will old psu work with newer system?


Apr 30, 2017
Hello, I was given a system from a friend and had originally just stripped the ram and gfx card and added them to my current pc. His motherboard and processor are better than mine and i was mostly being lazy on swaping things out and having to reinstall windows. (I5 760 to i5 4570 with newer mobo and hd aswell) getting angry with 30-50fps fluctuations in overwatch (I5 760 and gtx 760 with 8gddr3) has me desperate to fix this asap and hope i get better performance. (I5 760 and gtx 760 with 8gddr3)

To get to the main question i want to test his mobo/cpu to make sure only his power supply was the issue before i attempt to swap everything into my case, so i want to use an old psu i have if it will work.

This is the system i want to have in the end of everything.

Will this power supply work to test the msi h81m and hd listed with onboard graphics?


Currently all thats in his case is the mobo hd and 4g of corsair xms3 i pulled from my rig, hoping i can test and boot with onboard video to save swaping more parts around. I didnt want to use his case as there arent any fans or room for them(i guess the stock cpu and cooler and the blower gfx didnt need but the single fan in the front when he used it. so i will swap to my current case or try to find one on budget.

One last question ive built 3 pcs with a friend helping me but ive never seated a motherboard into a case, how hard is removing / installing motherboards since mine is large and his is mini will i have issues?

One last note, when he gave me the pc it just wouldn't turn on at all, no sign of power, if the psu is not at fault is mobo the next culprit, and is a replacement mobo worth the cost?

Any info or help is appreciated thanks for reading my long message.
I guess i could leave the 700w in my current pc and stretch the cables across to the test rig.. if thats an option.. i didnt want to remove the psu from my current pc and have to reroute and tie cables again.. only way i can test otherwise is buy another psu if the one i listed is dangerous to even test with and hope it was the issue.