Will overclocking my i7 improve fps?


Jun 18, 2013
i am building a new pc and i have got an i7 4770k and a corsair h100i.
Its currently clocked @ 3.5ghz

Does anyone kn ow what kind of clock speeds i could get out of this cpu with this cooling solution? and how greatly will my fps be increased?
If not, is it worth overclocking at all!?

OC'ing will increase your cpu speeds in other programs that are cpu intensive , sometimes it is a bragging right to OC

It is not dangerous as long as you dont apply stupid voltages causing massive temps , Intel know people overclock hence the K chip

When OC'ing every chip is different , you should get about 4.4Ghz comfortably with the h100i

With the fps , its not a massive increase certain games. you might gain one or two fps



If i will only gain 1-2 fps, is it even worth taking the risk and OC'ing? also will it improve my rendering speeds and designing speeds?
OC'ing will increase your cpu speeds in other programs that are cpu intensive , sometimes it is a bragging right to OC

It is not dangerous as long as you dont apply stupid voltages causing massive temps , Intel know people overclock hence the K chip

My personal taste for OC-ing is that you can`t get more than 10-20 % increase at all .....
If you `r GAMING the bottleneck is the GPU or CPU so OC the wong one will not gain you FPS and OC the right ( the one is bottleneck ) will not improve you FPS more enought .......
If you GPU is givind you 20 FPS even if you OC the GPU you will not gain more than 25-30 tha is still on the bottom of good FPS ....
In the same scenario if you hit CPU on 100% and 20 fps then OC the CPU will not gain more than 25-30 FPS and you CPU load will be like 90 -100 again ,,,,,,
On the other hand if you hit 60 - 70 - 80 -100 FPS OC CPU or GPU will give you 110 - 120 FPS TOPS and this will make no difference in you game expirence ......

Is there any reason you have unselected the solution OP selected

I dissagree with this :
"It is not dangerous as long as you dont apply stupid voltages causing massive temps"

- you can OC without touching Voltages and this could get you Programs to crash for example ......

So i dissagree here !
You HAVE to change the voltage to OC , by increasing the multiplier you (or your mobo automatically) increases the vcore

If it doesnt exceed 1.3V and you have suitable cooler , then you are most likely going to be fine. Anyone who doesnt know about oc'ing wouldnt go past 4.4ghz anyway.

With the chip is has , haswell , op will struggle to overclock as well as a 3770k

The haswell cpu also has 'turbo' mode boosting it to 3.9ghz, which is technically an overclock.

The only reason your programs would crash is your temps are too high and the cpu has shut down to protect itself
I see there is no point to argue here .....
You last post is full of technical wronge states .....
Changing the multiplier does not lead to Vcores increase at all ........ get you self informed first !
And the programs will not crash coz of temperature ......
And turbo mode is not over clock - it`s an an technique to acheeve temporary internal boos - managing cores and loads from the internal not EXTERNAL like the standart OC - from the Mainbord BIOS

P.S. - i already select you post as Best Solution - i don`t see point of continue this ......