will powerline work in my house or should i use a wireless range extender?


Aug 21, 2015
Would powerline adapters work in my house?
I live in a house built in 1970s but in the last 15 years the entire house has be rewired.

I would like to use powerline adapters to get a better wifi signal on the 1st floor, would it be better to use powerline adapters with built in wifi, or a wireless range extender?

My download is 7mbps and upload is 0.90mbps its a ADSL connection. I know it sucks!

I am currently looking at:
TL-WPA4220KIT https://goo.gl/PeqXtW
TL-WA850RE https://goo.gl/OMulhO
Powerline adapter offers better performance in my experience. WIFI drops out to much for games and smooth HD videos. Better to use the ethernet on the powerline adapters if gaming.
Things like wireless repeaters (ie range extenders) should only be considered when your other option is no network connectivity at all. Even in the very best cases you will loses 50% of you bandwidth and they will double the delay. In the more common cases the performance is degraded much more. The key one being the random delay is much worse than normal wireless which is already very poor for playing online games.

Powerline works in most houses especially the newer av2 based units since they use the grounding wire also. Unfortunately there really is no way to predict so you want a good return policy if you get unlucky and your house is in the tiny group that they do not work in.