Will prices drop any time soon?


Feb 14, 2009
Hi Guys,

So, I just sold my 7950 and am in the market for a new graphics card. I am wondering what you guys think about pricing now and if it will drop in the near future at all. I also can't decide if I want to spend $200 on a new card or $350 since I only play at 1080p. Any thoughs?
I saw some in stock a couple days ago, but right now I'm guessing everyone is buying them and putting them out of stock. If you are in no hurry to buy, you could wait to see if the prices go back to where there's a $30+ difference between the 280x and 770 and then the 280x is the better buy. Maybe by that time there will be word on the next gen gpus and you might wait for those. That's the problem waiting around to buy computer parts, the better stuff is always around the corner.

There's the GTX 770 for $335
well 280x's are starting to get back down, you can find them for 320 now. Otherwise there won't be any major price drops since neither company is making anything new for a while. Maybe a random rebate here or there, but nothing to anticipate.
In the world of radeon and even graphics cards yes. They will drop in price rapidly over the next couple months. A week after the new R9's were released they dropped in price at about $100-150

This is what I'm leaning towards right now. Only thing is that I am in no real hurry to buy so, I'm wondering if there is any benefit in waiting.


The 770 just dropped, so I wouldn't be counting on it. Maybe when Maxwell releases in 3-4 months

the 280x's that are 320 are all backordered as far as I can tell
I saw some in stock a couple days ago, but right now I'm guessing everyone is buying them and putting them out of stock. If you are in no hurry to buy, you could wait to see if the prices go back to where there's a $30+ difference between the 280x and 770 and then the 280x is the better buy. Maybe by that time there will be word on the next gen gpus and you might wait for those. That's the problem waiting around to buy computer parts, the better stuff is always around the corner.