Will r7 260x 2GB work fine on my pc?

saif ali

Oct 7, 2013
Hello, I want to know that will gigabyte r7 260x 2gb work fine on my pc?

My pc specs are:

Intel Core i3 2100 3.10GHz
RAM 6 GB ( one 4GB and one 2GB)
System model DH61WW
PSU 460 watt

What type of Power Supply you running? Your motherboard has a 2.0 PCI-e expansion slot so that shouldn't be an issue. 460 watts should run it but I'm wondering how well, which is why i wanted to know your power supply type/model.

Well I exactly don't know my power supply model 🙁

Sorry for the blurry image 🙁
This is my PSU.
