Will R9 290X Crossfire Microstutter?


Nov 2, 2014
Will R9 290X Crossfire (2xR9 290x tri-x) have microstutter? I am using a 1080p monitor, if that helps. I really like these cards, and dont want the r9 295x2 for numerous reasons. I heard something about AMDs beta drivers or something with frame-pacing? Anyway, the question is will the r9 290x crossfire have microstuttering (to a noticeable extent)

How about 1 980?
For 1080p your better off getting the GTX 970, it will give you better performance and at a cheaper price. The 290x pulls ahead at higher resolutions, so unless you plan on getting a 4K monitor I would stay away from it.

But to answer your original question, no you should not get any micro stutter, AMD fixed that a while ago.

Lol that's hardly faster than a single 290X.

The 290 / 290X have a hardware frame-pacing mechanism integrated into teh chip that older AMD cards don't have. As a result they are quite a lot *better* at frame pacing and less susceptible to micro-stutter.

With that said, when new games come out which *haven't been optimised for crossfire* they are likely to stutter a bit. This usually gets tweaked with driver updates. In fairness to AMD they're no worse for it these days than Nvidia are with SLI, especially after adding in the pacing hardware (something Nvidia has had for a while).

I am surprised you really *need* crossifire cards for 1080p however, what exactly are you trying to run?! A single 290X should handle pretty much anything going at that resolution.