Question will RX580 fit in HP 800G1

Mar 11, 2019
i want to buy hp 800 g1 but was wondering if the RX580 nitro+ sapphire (2 fans) will fit in the case and work fine after i change the stock psu to a 600W psu?
also if it fits will the cooling be normal in the case or the low space will make the components hotter?
The HP 800G1 is a SFF tower, yes? Obviously I don't know the exact machine you're looking at, but it seems that you're going to be limited to half-height cards. That's going to max you out at a GTX1050 Ti which expensive enough for the performance you're getting BEFORE you tag on the low profile premium. Safe to say, you're paying the same $$ for half the performance of a RX580.

It's also questionable whether the stock PSU will even be an ATX unit. Some SFF OEM machines still conform to TFX at least, but those max out around 400W IIRC. There's other machines further down the rabbit hole with "non-standard" PSUs.
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