Will Ryzen 5 1600 and Evga gtx 1070 SC work good for 1080p 144hz?


Jul 23, 2017
So this is the build im thinking of going with:
CPU: Ryzen 5 1600 + stock cooler
RAM: Corsair Vengance 16 gb 3000 mhz
PSU: Corsair RM550x
MOBO: Asus Prime b350 plus
Case: NZXT S340 Elite
HDD: Seagate barracuda 2 TB
SSD: Samsung 960 evo 250 gb m.2
Monitor: ASUS VG248QE 24.0" 1920x1080 144Hz
So I was wondering if the 1070 and the ryzen 1600 will work good on this monitor 1080p and 144hz or will there be any bottleneck.
Will the bottleneck go away by playing 1440p?

The reason im going with Ryzen is since the i7-7700/k plus motherboard is a lot more expencive where i live.
Will the i7-7700 be better than ryzen 1600 when im only going to do gaming?
As I said, get the NEW CXM series with the black label, the CX, CSM and green label CXM are all pretty bad.
A 1080 doesn't break the budget, and as I mentioned, you can just slot in an SSD later if needed, but the price difference shouldn't be that massive atm, as ethereum upped 1070 prices.
Give me your local retailer and a budget.
Would you rather an additional 25% performance now and an SSD a month later?
Or an SSD now and losing out on an extra 25% performance increase?
Up to you.
on terms of fps, yes supposedly i7 7700 should be better
but i won't recommend it anyway:
1. more cores will be used in the future, that means ryzen had more futureproof
2. more cores = stability, many bench shows that with more cores, u will have less dips and higher minimum fps
3. why bother changing ur plan to intel? u already got the cheaper ryzen 😛

it's not bottleneck, the reason Ryzen's fps is lower than the Intel's counterpart is bcz Intel had higher speed per clock in their core, which used in most games (we know it as single core speed)
the bottleneck would be small to none with that rig of yours
If you can wait for Vega and then get a Freesync monitor you'd be getting the most performance for your money but going 1070/G-sync is a tried and true combo that costs more but you can do now.

If you're going 1080p 144hz OC'd Intel i7' k chips have the highest #s (every bit counts for high hz and really fast GPUs). If you feel 7th gen is too much consider 6th gen mobos/cpus for a greater discount with almost the same performance.

get a 1440p 60 hz monitor

ryzen is not really great at high refresh rate gaming at 1080p

I think this will good enough for me, The prices here is almost double as in the US and I think i have reached the max out of my budget. If some parts can be changed to make it better for the "same price" please let me know.

If the RX Vega for gamers is out when im planing on buying the parts maybe i consider it if its better or same performance, but only if its in the same price range.


They sure can.
Swap the S340 Elite for either the standard S340, or a Corsair 100R/SPEC case, the power supply is overkill, drop that to a black labelled CX550M unit, ditch the SSD and add it in later if necessary, and get a GTX 1080, the cheapest one you can find that isn't a blower style cooler or a founders edition card, aka has actual fans.
It depends how many fps you are expecting and in which games, and with which settings really.
it's a very powerful combo, I have the same myself (R5 1600/1070) it achieves about 91fps in The Witcher 3 in ultra settings 1080p, considering this is one of the most demanding games out there i'd say you won't be disapointed

Okay I have heared that the CX series is something to never go for since many have had problems with it stopping to work. I really want a SSD so I can have my OS on it and games to make them boot faster, dont want to get it later to then transfer them to the ssd. Even if i would have downgraded some of the parts a 1080 would break the budget and I think i will be happy with an 1070.
As I said, get the NEW CXM series with the black label, the CX, CSM and green label CXM are all pretty bad.
A 1080 doesn't break the budget, and as I mentioned, you can just slot in an SSD later if needed, but the price difference shouldn't be that massive atm, as ethereum upped 1070 prices.
Give me your local retailer and a budget.
Would you rather an additional 25% performance now and an SSD a month later?
Or an SSD now and losing out on an extra 25% performance increase?
Up to you.
going with SSD is fine, but if u're only putting the system there, get something smaller instead (120gb maybe, and just use it for system only)
1070 price haven't go down yet, i suggest u do get a 1080 / ti instead
if u don't trust CXM, get a seasonic M12II-620 / super flower golden green HX 550w (the first is bronze, the latter is gold) both are pretty high tier
Case wise, if u want to save budget, i say u stick with Chugalug_ suggestion to go with the normal S340

Here's my take. I live in the US:

1) The Corsair RM550x does not seem like the best value. Seasonic's SSR-650RM gets you 100 more watts for future upgrades, is $79.99 and has a 5 year warranty. Yes, the Corsair has a 10 year, but do you really think you'll use it for 10 years?

2) m.2 SSDs create a lot more heat and have no real-world performance advantage that you'd notice unless you're running some very specific programs that involve de/compression, etc. Save the $23 (and heat) and get the regular SATA III Samsung 250GB Evo model.

3)You can buy the Gigabyte *1080* with Windforce cooling for $10 more than the EVGA 1070 model you're looking at and would be CRAZY not to.

Otherwise it all looks good.

Vega should offer good value over 1080/1070 with their GPUs if you can wait. Reviews will tell all of course. GPU prices aren't great yet but getting there if you can find a good sale.