Okay so first off I am planning on putting in a GTX 750 TI, I know that this can run shadowplay and I know there is a system requirements page but I honestly don't know if my CPU is on the (or higher) as this is my first time even upgrading a PC.
If Shadowplay will work then how will the performance hit be while recording? Right now I play games like Minecraft and CSGO where right now I'm about the 70-90's in both games when not recording. (MC sometimes stay around 120) which I'm hoping the Graphics card will help out on and improve. However I want to be able to record the games at 60fps (720ps fine) without much a performance hit if possible.
If Shadowplay will work then how will the performance hit be while recording? Right now I play games like Minecraft and CSGO where right now I'm about the 70-90's in both games when not recording. (MC sometimes stay around 120) which I'm hoping the Graphics card will help out on and improve. However I want to be able to record the games at 60fps (720ps fine) without much a performance hit if possible.