Will SLI GTX 980's bottleneck my rig??


Oct 4, 2014
My current rig is:
i7-2700k OC'd to 4.6GHz
GTX 680
16GB Ram
Sabertooth Z77
Dual Monitors

I am thinking of upgrading to 2 GTX 980's in SLI and replacing one of the monitors with a Asus VG248QE with G-Sync. Obviously my system was built a couple of years ago so I am wondering if the CPU will bottleneck the GPU's or if I should just go with one and not bother with SLI?
It will handle the dingle GTX 980 fine, but you might want to push the OC to 4.8GHZ or further if you can to SLI it.
If you are spending the money on the 980, you should have enough for a 3570K, which has the same socket
Another 0.2ghz won't help much. Going to a 3450k would be a downgrade.

The 2700k at 4.6ghz is very well able to support two 980's. Its comparable to a 4790k with disabled turbo (4.0ghz).
You click on the green button 'choose as best solution'.

Which, for some reason isn't doable for me in this thread. o.o

Oh, the thread is a discussion thread, not a forum question. As far as I know you can't mark this as done, no need to.

Glad I/we could help.