Will the AMD A8-3870k go with the EVGA geforce gtx 670 FTW


Dec 16, 2012
Hey I'm doing the computer build I would like to know if the GeForce GTX 670 FTW Edition will go good with the AMD A8 3870k APU
Please answer quickly

only concern since the fm1 apus were the athlons cpus that released with the phenom II cpus, so it doesnt have the higher clock speed that comes with the piledriver based fm2 apus, so if u can an overclock from the stock 3.0ghz would make the 670 run better with less of a bottleneck, but yes the 670 will work just fine with the A8

Will 3.00Ghz not be good, i mean it seems good coming from my APU now at 2.6 with GTX 550Ti
well basing the a8 cpu portion to be an athlon quad core @3.0ghz, and being some phenom ii X4s can bottleneck a 670 it wouldnt hurt to attempt 3.4ghz, ppl say clock speed doesnt matter much for games but im pretty sure the higher clock still helps.

But really i dont see u getting bad performance at stock 3.0ghz compared to a 2.6ghz and 550ti, u should be more worried pairing that 670 with the old 2.6ghz cpu or something like an A6 or pentium lol

So your saying itll go good on games and everything just fine, but you recomend getting like a A10- 5800k or something at 3.8Ghz, but the 3.0 is fine?
well the apu is pointless with a dedicated gpu like the 670, something along the lines of fx 6300/x4 965 for budget if ud replace the motherboard to get the A10 might as well go am3+.

And kind of counter acting my previous post, it is not always about clock speed as a 4ghz 8350 just barely competes with a 3.4ghz i5 3570k, and a 3.4ghz pentium 4 loses to a 2ghz core 2 duo.
http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/399?vs=188 being similar clocked model of the A8 and athlon x4 very similar. Mess around with something different like the A10/6300/965 and ull see cpu difference and the better the cpu the better the gpu will be utilized. like in lets say a cpu intense game like bf3 u wont see ur 670 at max use as ur cpu has reach its limit in what it can process, where a oc comes into play.

Basically just saying u wont see the same results a 3570k gets with the 670 as u would with the A8. Kind of a big difference there but gets the point by kind of lol
Again the 3.0ghz A8 will handle the 670 just fine, i dont see an issue there i guess its really for the ultra smooth gameplay on ultra.
If u already do not have the A8, best option for best performance would be the 6300, and the A10 has the same cpu power as the 965 x4 as seen in the comparison charts, and getting the A10 would be just because its newer, but the x4 is slightly better and usually is around $90 and a am3+ board gives option for upgrade to steamroller later this year

if u have the A8 well the just test the gameplay with the 670 and go from there. as i said the quad core on the apu is not bad as most games barely use 4 cores, but crysis will stress it, something like guild wars may not, and really it was just the 3.0ghz lol i did the same to my 2.8ghz x6, 400mhz bump and im prob sure there is barely a difference that id notice lol

I dont have the A8 yet, but. I have the motherboard which was cheap 90.00 any ways i may just upgrade later on and get the FX and 670 now and upgrade the case, and and fans later

Is the AMD FX-4170 4.2Ghz enough to handle it lol
well guessing in ur case the motherboard was used with a 2.6 other apu? if u just bought the board wasnt the smartest move as fm1 is dead but the A8 is a capable cpu. I mean most still recommend the phenom II x4 965 for a budget build and it came out in 2009 lol the A8 is from late 2011 so u should be fine til ur next upgrade.

Bulldozer was not an upgrade from the phenom ii x4 line, maybe from the athlon ii x4 line, but a 4300 is better and since the 6300 is only $10 more not sense in getting it lol

Is the AMD FX-4170 4.2 good for it yes or no