Will the Athlon II x4 635 @ 3.45ghz bottleneck hd7850


May 1, 2013
Need some opinions. I'm thinking of upgrading to the hd7850 from the gtx460se. Using HWiNFO64, my cpu usage playing bf3 averages 83% while my gpu averages 63% (my frames are capped at 59 fps). On low/med settings I run an almost constant 59 fps. My question, do you think the cpu will bottleneck the hd7850? Thank you.

Thanks. Probably buying it anyway. Hopefully I'll be building a new "budget" rig before next year, and the card will go with that.

I see some complain about it in the bf3 forums. Before capping my frames, my gpu was almost always pegged. I worried a little since all of a sudden it's running 60-65% most of the time. But I've read capping frames or running vsync can cause this. Thanks for the replies!!!