will the gtx 770 fit in my computer case

The ONLY issue is whether the card would hit the drive bays. It's a standard ATX style case so it will fit the other dimensions just fine.

You can open the case and MEASURE yourself because I don't know what case that is.

To be clear, it is IMPOSSIBLE to determine what length of graphics card will fit without knowing the exact model of case or measuring where the card would go length-wise from the rear toward the drive bays.

As mentioned you almost CERTAINLY need a new Power Supply. One was listed above for pretty cheap but for a little more I recommend THIS one instead: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438014

Graphics Card:
I like the 770 but I recommend a different card...
Looks like you have enough room in the case but its hard to be certain.

the case is 14.4" deep and the card is 10.55" long. the case is 6.4 fat and the card is 4.37 tall... sooo based on those measurements it should probably fit. Looking at the picture, it appears the pci slot run above the HDD's so you should be OK unless there is something out of view that would block the card. You can always do a little macgyver-ing if needed I suppose.

I am more concerned about your power supply. You have a 300 watt power supply and this card requires 250 watts. that doesn't leave you much headroom and I don't even know if you have the necessary 6-pin and 8-pin connectors off your power supply? Do you have an ATX power supply in there?

You could get one pretty cheap if you dont and swap it out..


Good luck!

The ONLY issue is whether the card would hit the drive bays. It's a standard ATX style case so it will fit the other dimensions just fine.

You can open the case and MEASURE yourself because I don't know what case that is.

To be clear, it is IMPOSSIBLE to determine what length of graphics card will fit without knowing the exact model of case or measuring where the card would go length-wise from the rear toward the drive bays.

As mentioned you almost CERTAINLY need a new Power Supply. One was listed above for pretty cheap but for a little more I recommend THIS one instead: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438014

Graphics Card:
I like the 770 but I recommend a different card:

If your computer has that APU in it then just be aware your performance won't be nearly as good as say an i5-4670K for example. An APU has a CPU and a GPU component. When you add a dedicated graphics card like the GTX770 it will use only the CPU part and the addon card for graphics.

o sorry thats not my actual computer i have a 650 watt power supply and an amd a10 5800k and 16gb ram i just used that to show the case

really it all depends on what room inside has been taken up by other item/parts the graphics cards generally fit all sizes as long as they are amd to amd or intel to intel.
and the other thing is whether it fits the pci slot

you have use links
but yeah depending which slot you put the ram in and the gpu it should be fine plus they generally never have problems as long as there is air flow from fan and heat sinks


oh and i found ourt you can put intel/nividia and amd in both boards and thier generally the same sizes