Will the H105 fit in the DEfine R4?

So I have a define R4 and I JUST ordered the h100i off amazon. I knew the h105 was coming out but I didnt think it would fit on the TOP of my case. Will it? 100% sure you cant use PUSH PULL with either one but i am going to add two fans. Did I make a mistake and does the H105 fit?
The 280x and gtx 770, without taking mantle into account, have very similar performance, with them trading blows for top performance depending on the game you play. so if they were the same price when you went to buy them, even then it would be a tough choice.
the thing that makes your 280x the better choice as opposed to the equal choice are price and mantle.

Well it really depends on your motherboard and how high the heatsinks on it sit. typically you WILL be able to fit the h100i in either push or pull, but not both as the case width, plus the height of motherboard heatsinks will cause interference. The h105 would run into the same thing though would be even more likely not to even fit in push or pull due to the thicker radiator
The h100i should fit in either push or pull, while the h105 is MUCH more likely to have caused a problem (and for only minimally better temps).
the way you have gone is just a safer choice, as well as you can always see if you can put push pull on the h100i (my exact knowledge of case widths is not great, but i do have that very same motherboard 😛)
btw i agree with your "Don't buy what fanboys tell you to, do your research and buy what is best for your needs AND budget"...my friend, an AMD fanboy told me to get a sapphire toxic r9 280x and I did and its great but I keep thinking I should have got a gtx 770. Should I have?
the 280x and 770 are so similar in performance that basically whichever you can find for cheaper is the best route to go. also mantle is giving enough performance boost to beat the 770 by a frame or two in some games (takes out the cpu part of the equation and relies solely on the gpu, so you don't see huge benefits if you have say a 4770k or higher processor)
that site says that on average across all data collected, the 280x is only 2% slower...this is before the mantle update. Your 280x will be faster than what is on that site already, and so is faster than the average 770 before even taking mantle into account. also with the price you paid, you did good to choose the 280x when you did. In a blind performance test you wouldnt be able to tell which system was running what video card. Turn that frowny face upside down and stop letting your friend tell you that you made a bad choice in cards. (also call him over in about a month and show him that your 280x runs faster in bf4 than a 770 does.)
The 280x and gtx 770, without taking mantle into account, have very similar performance, with them trading blows for top performance depending on the game you play. so if they were the same price when you went to buy them, even then it would be a tough choice.
the thing that makes your 280x the better choice as opposed to the equal choice are price and mantle.

It will still be roughly the same as an overclocked asus 770 XD but mantle will make it ever so slightly faster.

See why it's so hard for some people to choose between the two sides? when it comes down to it, some cards from both sides end up being REALLY similar
I personally have had a good experience with nvidia, so i likely would have gone with the 770 out of personal preference (i currently have the asus direct cuii 780, but had a galaxy 680 before that (basically a 770). I however have friends with 7970's (basically the 280x) and they havent had problems with theirs. It's like complaining about ford vs chevy for trucks...it's just a fanboy competition over people telling you one is much better than the other. Also amd cards kick the snot out of nvidia cards fore litecoin mining and certain types of processing
Exactly. Basically (hehe i'm a psych major about to complete my degree this year) it's mostly just curiosity about the other side that makes you still kinda wish you had tried the other side. I am basically just saying that you should not regret your decision, as any differences in gaming between the two cards is pretty much un-noticable 😛
Why would that be the influence to your choice? the 290x is slower in most gaming regards than the 780ti, and with the price increase in the 290x, it is less of a premium priced product.

the 290x is indeed a blazing fast card, but this speed comes at great cost to heat. This is the hottest running card on the market, and is equally as bad in the temp aspect as the gtx 480 was. It needs a custom cooler to be acceptable, as the stock cooler would cause thermal throttleing after about a half hour of gaming if you don't have the fans maxed.

this brings us to the next point. The stock cooler on the 290x is actually measured as louder than an average hairdryer at max fan speed, and about as loud as a free standing fan on it's max speed when the 290x is at 55% fan speed. 55% fan speed will cause thermal throttling after a certain amount of time as the card can and without superb airflow in the case, will hit it's 95 degree temp limit and then throttle down.

now all that above is basically the reason not to go with the stock cooler right? well sure. Now, think about the extra heat thrown into your case with an aftermarket cooler on the card. For many people this is actually causing problems with cpu temps (especially people who liked to overclock). well yeah you can fix this by having your 290x water cooled. but wait, this adds another $100 to the price tag for minimal performance increases due to the low overclockability of some of the 290x's.

At the current price of over $600, it is indeed the fastest card before going to the 780ti at $700, but throws out a lot more heat (power consumption is actually not that outrageous on the 290x though and can match the 780ti in that respect). It is the fact that the 290x is over $100 more expensive than it's original launch price that makes it no longer the best deal in my opinion. There are some after market 780's that when overclocked, can actually match and beat the 290x in some games AT 1080p (the 290x is simply better at higher resolutions than the 780, end of story, if you are playing at 1440p or higher you will get better performance from a 290x, though not by a huge margin after overclocking).
Now take into the fact that the 780 is roughly the price the 290x was at launch, and you could say that at launch, the 290x was indeed a better deal for price vs performance.

After the price increase, i personally no longer feel this to be true based on multiple review sites testing both nvidia and amd cards.

basically i am highly opposed to HOW you are deciding which card you are happy with. My status is much more in depth than it seems (property of a psych major with a business minor). You need to do your own research. remember that the guy above may have picked the 290x because he couldnt afford the 780ti, OR because he simply has used amd before, and has had a good experience with them. These are both fine reasons for HIM to choose which he would be happier with, but it is worrying that you would decide what is best for you based on just him picking one card over another with no in depth research into why he chose the particular card he did.

Do some research and make some opinions of your own rather than following the words of others like a lost puppy (sorry if this seems insulting, but the same was said to me a long time ago, and i feel it has been very helpful, not only in choosing pc hardware, but just as a general life practice)
WOW - Yes, I read it all. Im a fast reader. The only reason I said Im happy is because he is very smart when It comes to PC's , just like you, but Its because he got an AMD card and my other issue is that I feel like i should have got an NVIDIA card. Dont worry, no offence taken, I should have gone with what I really wanted, the 770 🙁 But, I already bought it, its a great card but my brother who is an expert in PC's says "AMD for other stuff like geek nerd bitcoin and other maybe even hacking stuff, and Nvidia for gaming" Thats not exactly what he said but you get the point. My friend said AMD AMD AMD! NVIDIA SUCKS ITS FOR HIPSTERS and I got blinded by that and began to hate nvidia. But, I think its too late to get the 770 as i already bought the 280x. MOST PEOPLE that have my case have an intel 4770K/4670K AND an 770/780....I feel like nvidia is for gaming and AMD is for other bitcoin and nerdy stuff like that WHICH DOESNT MAKE IT BAD AT ALL. I used to be somewhat of an AMD GPU** only fanboy for a few weeks but, Now I will probably go for NVIDIA for gaming. WHich is all I will do, wont be mining. And im sure SR71 blackbird could afford the 780ti. Last time I checked, IF IM NOT WRONG, I think he's in his 40's, or was that him? Idk, but still. I respect both of your opinions. My overall thought is that I wish I had gotten an ASUS, GIGABYTE / Reference (For the looks) 770 :S 🙁 But, what can I do...too late.