So it's a hypotheticall question cus no one here works programming those games but what do you guys think ? In games such as "The Evil Within" , "Battlefield Hardline" , "COD Advanced Warfare" , " The Witcher 3" , "Dying Light " , " Aliens Isolation " , " Sacred 3 " , " Lords of the fallen " , "Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor " , and next games do you think an fx 8xxx would be near an i5 4xxx ?
Also could we say an i5 would handle well 2 threads with just one core taking into account one core of an i5 is perhaps as double as good as one fx core ?
Also could we say an i5 would handle well 2 threads with just one core taking into account one core of an i5 is perhaps as double as good as one fx core ?