Will the latest / next games like "The Evil Within","Battlefield Hardline","COD A W" be better played with fx 8 cores or I5


May 23, 2014
So it's a hypotheticall question cus no one here works programming those games but what do you guys think ? In games such as "The Evil Within" , "Battlefield Hardline" , "COD Advanced Warfare" , " The Witcher 3" , "Dying Light " , " Aliens Isolation " , " Sacred 3 " , " Lords of the fallen " , "Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor " , and next games do you think an fx 8xxx would be near an i5 4xxx ?

Also could we say an i5 would handle well 2 threads with just one core taking into account one core of an i5 is perhaps as double as good as one fx core ?

Yes, you can go for the i5 4690 and pair it with an H85 mobo. The i5s are waay better than the fx8320 or the 8350 in terms of performance and i guess games wont need so many cores for a while cause games are...
I was thinking on a i5 4690 i dont intend to overclock.
So when games start requiring at least a 6 core FX , i wont have requirement problems with a quad i5 right ? Will the i5 always be Better or 15 / 20 fps ahead of the FX 8320? I mean can a single intel core handle well 2 threads in the case an 8 core optimized game shows up , and forces the intel cpu to work with 6 / 8 threads ?

Also will the ASUS B85M-G 1150 match well the intel , its what my money can reach. I will have no problems using 1600 mhz ram memory right?

Yes, you can go for the i5 4690 and pair it with an H85 mobo. The i5s are waay better than the fx8320 or the 8350 in terms of performance and i guess games wont need so many cores for a while cause games are generally gpu intensive and only a few require a good cpu and i5 can handle all games better than 8320.
