Will the R9 280x run on this PSU ?


Feb 1, 2014
so, i am buying a powercolor r9 280x(undervolted, the seller is a cryptocoin miner), i currently have this PSU(http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371004) , will it run ? and what kind of temps would i get with furmark ?
The R9-280X is a 250W card maxed out. That relates to ~21 amps on the +12V rail.
Your PSU has 36 amps available at the +12V rail, but they don't specify the total wattage for that rail. It will likely be less than (36 x 12) 432W. And since that PSU only has one 6 pin connector and the card requires a 6 pin and an 8 pin, I doubt it would be wise to continue using it with a card of that class. It will probably work OK until it gets stressed. Then you will start experiencing problems.
Your probably going to need at least a 600w, if you plan on upgrading later on, it may be to your advantage to save up and maybe buy either a 900w or 1000w psu. With that you will get much better performance. But for just that, the website recommends a minimum 6oow.
"will it run" is a dangerous way to ask that. Yeah it will run...it will run your units lifespan into the ground. You want some headroom, the PSU doesnt want to operate at 80% load whenever its on, it will run hotter, and break sooner. Ideal scenario; wattage for the total computer draw should be 50% of what the PSU has to offer in Watts. (remember theres case fans, hard drives, optical drives, the CPU and RAM to supply power too as well, not just the GPU, granted its of the most power hungry components in the system)