Will the Stock cooler be enough as a temporary cooler for a month-2 use?

Phil Abrogar

Apr 25, 2014
unfortunately I'm on a budget and I'll be using an i5 4590 on stock cooler. I'll be running games like GTA V, and ACU on ultra. XD hahaha
If it's the non-k version (just the standard i5-4590) then the stock cooler is enough for the life of the CPU (or the life of the cooler)
I'm sure it would be just fine... as long as you have some case fans going, too lol. If you have room to squeeze out an extra $30 in your budget you might consider it though. What do you have so far?

an i5 4590
MSI B85 G43 gaming
MSI GTX 970 Twin Frozr

Actually everything's expensive, but unfortunately the Budget for the CPU cooler will come late for a month or two...
Well, if you're set on exactly what you want, you've basically answered your own question. It's gonna have to wait lol. Unless you build the rig when you get the extra cash for the cooler. But you should be fine. Just be sure you have at least a fan in the case for airflow.