Hello everyone, Happy new year ..
I try to reach a 3 monitors set-up but i'm on budget So I have these options
Graphic card R9 270 ( Non-x)
option 1
I buy 3 monitor all with VGA only connections, SO ... by using Adapter such DisplayPort to VGA or HDMI to VGA ... Will I get Signal on all Monitors ? or Must the Graphic Card Support it ? ( AS it supports DVI-I to vga ..And it works well)
Option 2 :
I buy 3 moitors with Connection ( 2-HDMI and 1 VGA) of Each
SO Will A DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter/Cable and A DVI-D to HDMI Adapter/Cable Work ?
at last , Which is good a Direct cable or Using Adapter ?
Please HELP, thanx a lot
thanx in advance
I try to reach a 3 monitors set-up but i'm on budget So I have these options
Graphic card R9 270 ( Non-x)
option 1
I buy 3 monitor all with VGA only connections, SO ... by using Adapter such DisplayPort to VGA or HDMI to VGA ... Will I get Signal on all Monitors ? or Must the Graphic Card Support it ? ( AS it supports DVI-I to vga ..And it works well)
Option 2 :
I buy 3 moitors with Connection ( 2-HDMI and 1 VGA) of Each
SO Will A DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter/Cable and A DVI-D to HDMI Adapter/Cable Work ?
at last , Which is good a Direct cable or Using Adapter ?
Please HELP, thanx a lot
thanx in advance