Will this AMD Ryzen 7 system work ?


Mar 2, 2017

I’m upgrading my system and wanted to know if I got this system will it be better then my current and will it all work out of the box with no bios updates.

So my current system is a i7 4790k, Asus z97k mobo,16gb of hyper x ram and a msi gtx 970.

So here’s what I’m getting. https://imgur.com/ELOnEFu

Sticking with my msi 970 if that changes anything.

Please let me know what you think and if it will work

That RAM in the imgur link is not stated to be qualified for Ryzen operation by the memory manufacturer. Your build being "better" depends on what tasks you're doing. Are you just gaming, or are you streaming? Do you feel that your rig is inadequate as of late? You may get more from a GPU upgrade than a CPU platform change.
Im looking for some rgb ram. I don’t really know any that will work with amd so if you do that would be perfect. If you don’t know any rgb red ones would be great. My current system is perfect just wanted an upgrade. I find streaming hard on my i7 but other than that it’s fine. I want to do and do streaming rendering and gaming but just want it to be better.

I could always do an intel build with the 8700k. I’d personally prefair intel but when I was choosing parts thought it was cheaper for amd. Is the 8700k better for gaming rendering and streaming than the 2700x? I won’t be overclocking either

I think I would stick with the 4th Gen i7 for a little while longer, if you're wanting to switch to AMD. As another has said, the single-core performance (most important for gaming) is very similar. I am afraid you won't notice much difference between those two CPU's.
If I changed to the 8700k would that be better. I lose so much FPS when streaming ok the 4790k. Also won’t be overclocking either


Okay, then in that case a Ryzen 2600X would be an attractive upgrade option.