Will this build work?


Nov 25, 2014
Building my son a gaming pc, I hope. I got him a amd fx6300 with a asus m5a78lm usb3 motherboard, pny geforce gt 730 card, 8 gig of (2-4gig) ram, case with 550w power, reg cd/dvd drive and hard drive from a older pc. After rebates and discounts I will get it for about 260$. He normally plays steam and minecraft, but hope he will be able to play better games with the build. Any advice before I put it together would be helpful. Thx
Please don't buy your son GT 730. It's nowhere near anything good for gaming it's actually worse than low-end GPU from 5 years ago and it won't play any new game on 1080p. It may run games at stable framerate with lowest possible resolution and lowest possible settings. Current next-gen titles that are coming out right now like Far Cry 4 or CoD:AW will not be playable on this machine.
Seriously get 270X or 250X at least!
I was originally getting him the fx4200 but the 6300 went on sale and got that instead. I didn'twant to spend that much on the r9 and thought the pny was better than the r7. If he wants a better card it can be something he saves money and gets.
Please don't buy your son GT 730. It's nowhere near anything good for gaming it's actually worse than low-end GPU from 5 years ago and it won't play any new game on 1080p. It may run games at stable framerate with lowest possible resolution and lowest possible settings. Current next-gen titles that are coming out right now like Far Cry 4 or CoD:AW will not be playable on this machine.
Seriously get 270X or 250X at least!