Will this cpu and gpu pair okay with Fortnite battle royale?


Jul 18, 2017
Hey all,
I am buying a gtx 780ti graphics card because i am upgrading my pc. i currently have a intel pentium g4400 and was going to pair it with the 780ti. I want to Fortnite Battle Royale in 1080p at high settings SMOOTHLY... i know my cpu needs an upgrade, but im going to do that in July when its my birthday because i need some more money. Will these two work for now? also, what cpu should i upgrade to later (soon)? My power supply is a corsair cx650m, so im pretty sure i have enough power, etc. Thanks! -Ryan
also what CPU to upgrade to depends on your mobo. If you want to post the specs, I can advise more :)

I suspect it's a LGA1151 socket. You could in theory (with a Bios update) use one of the 7th gen intel cpu's like a 7600k, which would be a big upgrade what you have, and then all the way up to an i7 7700/7700k


My mobo is a msi h170m-a pro
ram: 8gb
case: cooler master master box lite 3.1 (TP)

Question from Ryan0710 : "Final GPU choice!"

so, the 780ti isnt better price to performance??
Question from Ryan0710 : "FINAL CHOICES for my PC UPGRADE!"


it has about 40% lower TDP,and AFAIK 780ti only slight better
i better pick gtx 970