Will this GPU bottleneck my CPU?


Apr 20, 2016
Hello everyone, I am/was planning to get the i3 6100 3.8GHz cpu, with a new mobo and also ddr4 ram. So, I have the GTX470, and I'm wondering, will the GPU bottleneck the i3? I currently use the Q8200... Any help would be helpful :)

GTX 470 is a good bit faster than the integrated graphics of your new processor. Feature wise it is a bit lacking due to its age but the current Nvidia drivers still support it. It will work fine.

If I were you I would consider something faster and newer, the CPU can handle it.

GTX 470 is a good bit faster than the integrated graphics of your new processor. Feature wise it is a bit lacking due to its age but the current Nvidia drivers still support it. It will work fine.

If I were you I would consider something faster and newer, the CPU can handle it.

Oh ok, good to know, thanks, btw. it is a GTX470 not the RX.


It is safe and yes just a little one but the i3 can handle it

I saw the perfomance of the i3's integrated graphics, and it didn't seem too good, my 470 was better, yes it is old, but, for me it is good... I wish I could give more money for a new gpu, but the fact is, I bought the GTX470 like 4 months ago... Thanks for your info :)

Hmm, so the i3 fits nicely to the GTX1070? Meh, and I have the GTX470... All the time I feel like buying the cpu will result in not using the i3's power at the max... I will stay some time on GTX470 until I find more cash to buy everything over the GTX760. Thanks for your answer :)

Yes the gtx 470 I believe can run the new doom at 1080p med settings.

There will ALWAYS be a "bottleneck"(or what I call a limiting factor)
Games are mostly limited by either cpu or graphics capability.
As a rule games such as sims, mmo and strategy games are more cpu limited and tend to be single threaded.

Games like fast action shooters tend to be limited by graphics capability.
And.. in a special case which nobody knows how to benchmark, multiplayer games with lots of participants, tend to benefit from many threads. The only category for more than 2-3 threads.

Not to worry. A i3-6100 is a very big jump over your Q8200. Enjoy.

It would be a perfectly fine combination for now. Just know that if your budget opens up you have plenty of room for a better GPU with no worries of performance issues.

Thanks, good to know :)


Good to know, I always thought if one game bottlenecks, every game will bottleneck... Nice, I really thing changing from the old quad to the nice new i3 :)


Ah, what a relief "perfect combination" :) I hope it is, I really should quit the old Quad and switch to newer technology! Sure I will save some money and get a better GPU 😉 Thanks