Will this GPU run on this PSU?


Apr 20, 2013
I have a Dell Optiplex GX620 MT and im upgrading the GPU to a PCI-E 210GT 1GB
card, but it says that it requires a minimum of 300W PSU and I have exactly a 300W PSU with max output of 305W. Will it run fine or should I buy a new PSU?
Yes, 6570 is 50 watt, just as an example 6670 is 63 watt. Just to let you know PCIE slot can not give more than 75 watt, why Dell writes on motherboard 25 watt for many models I have no idea, but it is proven that 6670 can work on those machines.
In the future, check this comparison http://www.hwcompare.com/10819/radeon-hd-6570-oem-2gb-vs-radeon-hd-6670-oem-1gb/ You can plug in any card there and you will see actual power consumption.
As soon as power consumption goes over 75 watt, you will see 6 pin additional power connector on the card, this is how it is works.
Just use the resources.

Short : Yes i think you can.

More :
The GT210 is not in the DELL list but HD-4350 is there : http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=bsd&cs=04&sku=A2829975
And HD-4350 is not very different than GT 210 : http://gpuboss.com/gpus/Radeon-HD-4350-vs-Nvidia-GeForce-210-PCI-589-MHz-512-MB-specs
They are both under 35 W that is one 16xPCIE slot.
And Optiplex GX620 MT is in the HD-4350 Compatibility List
I hope this will help.

Yes it will run easily. You can even place much stronger card here, up to 7770 or 650TI.

I don't remember if I placed this answer for you or not, but this is applicable for the following Optiplex MT models: GX620, 745 and 755 for sure, and maybe to few more.


Unfortunately no card that is more than 7.5 inches long or 2 slots wide will PHYSICALLY FIT inside the case - it was found that only single bracket video card can fit due to BTX MOBO, where card internals facing upward towards PC internals, not ATX, where dual card design is blocking another PCI slot by facing downward.
If you prefer the card with beefier fan, then the length of the card must not exceed 7.5 inches, otherwise only "skinny" single bracket, single slot cards can physically fit.

Pictures below will prove my point.

View shows no room for dual bracket


Single bracket only, or you have to cut dual bracket in half


Here you can clearly see only single place for the bracket


Visual explanation


7.5 inches explained, also shown "obstacles"


This is the picture of actual "skinny" single slot video card (not sure which model)- perfect, "glove" fit.


So, I found 2 GDDR5 7750 cards and one DDR3 4GB (GDDR5 is better than GDDR3, even if GDD3 offers 2 GB RAM or more), which confirmed in reviews to fit Optiplex gx620, 745 and 755 cases (the difference between those models are different processors).

Skinny, flimsier in terms of construction, completely single slot XFX 7750 http://www.amazon.com/XFX-DisplayPort-PCI-Express-FX775AZNP4-FX-775A-ZNP4/dp/B007Z3T5JC

A bit beefier cooler, not as skinny, more durable in construction PowerColor AX7750 http://www.amazon.com/PowerColor-AX7750-1GBD5-DH-Video-Graphics/dp/B00775OC28/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1362783129&sr=8-1&keywords=AX7750+1GBD5-DH

If you need Video card for working with high resolutions, BUT NOT FOR GAMING, PowerColor AX7750 4GBK3-H Radeon HD 7750 4GB is DDR3 card with huge 4GB memory, but is is not as fast as DDR5 and loosing in games http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131486&Tpk=7750&IsVirtualParent=1
Here is review of this card http://news.softpedia.com/news/PowerColor-Launches-Single-Slot-Radeon-HD-7750-4-GB-Video-Card-292712.shtml so this one is not for gamers!

I cannot say which one of those 2 DDR5 is better, both are good and got less bad reviews related to structural build.
I saw recent recommendation regarding drivers "Changing to the just-released AMD catalyst 13.2 BETA driver improved performance noticeably in just about every game" posted 03/05/2013. So older drivers are worse, can not comment about the newer ones, so this part is take it or leave it.

Next will follow maximum possible upgrade, 7750 is weaker...

So far I found only 2 7770 video cards which will fit inside - PowerColor AX7770 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131477

HIS H777FN1G Radeon HD 7770 very tight fit, almost touching heatsink http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814187200

From NVIDIA I see SPARKLE 700025 (SX650TI1024KD) GeForce GTX 650 Ti http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814187200

7750 cards do not require power supply upgrade, 650 TI and 7770 are.

Now, just to refresh you memory regarding the question you asked before about power supply upgrade and I provided you with quite nice answer.

Yes your power supply can be upgraded, however in the first choice it is 400 watt of unknown manufacturer adapted to fit GX620 and plenty more similar Dell PCs
Here we go, first choice at Amazon you can get this PSU with all connectors, I think http://www.amazon.com/ATXPowerSupplies-com-HP-Q2828F3P-PS-5281-3DFS-PS-5281-3DF-PS-5281-5DF-LF/dp/B006AVNVU4
Or you can get directly from manufaturer website, in this case you can choose which connectors you need, there is drop down menu where you can choose components, look a bit complicated, but I think it is better than Amazon http://www.atxpowersupplies.com/350-Watt-Dell-F5114-Power-Supply-F5114-350W.php
So, what is going on above - standard PSU is fitted with metal plate which has mounting holes adapted to be used in GX620.

Now, I proceed to choice 2, adapting regular ATX PSU to GX620, this is hack job - you would have to do some modifications to fit this PSU, reward is 500 watt, maybe stronger can be used as well from the same PSU family line.
One person adapted Antec earthwatts EA500 to GX620 those are the links, first newegg, which is disactivated, but it contains good specs http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371007
Next is Amazon, here I provide all possible choices, in case if one will be sold out, the other one will stay http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Antec%20earthwatts%20EA500

Now the interesting part is comes from this post http://en.community.dell.com/what-do-i-buy/for_enterprise/f/4516/t/18044042.aspx?PageIndex=2

I just completed the power supply upgrade using an Anted EA-500. [he meant Antec]

The purpose was to provide power and especially the 6 pin molex connector for an nVidia Quadro FX 3450 graphics card. The Optiplex GX620 Mini Tower is up and running with no serious problems. However, I had to make two modifications to allow the new PSU to fit.

1. The chassis has three metal tabs that are designed to hook into and stabilize the Dell PSU. When the locking tab is depressed and the PSU slid away from the opening about an inch, these disengage. Since the new power supply had no slots, the least destructive and quickest solution seemed to be just to bend the tabs back out of the way. I accomplished that by pushing hard with a screwdriver. If need be, they could be returned to position.

2. One end of the power cord receptacle on the new PSU hit the edge of the chassis opening on the back of the computer. In that position, it would have been impossible to refasten most of the screws. I was able to remove one screw from the power recep. and cut off the plastic ear that was in the way.

With those changes, the power supply bolted up securely with all four screws and fit acceptably.


Little edition.


The SATA power cables are right angle.

You may need to get a Right Angle SATA Power connector for the hard drives.

Otherwise you can shear them off closing the cover.

Micro Center - Athena Power 6" SATA 15-pin Power Y-Splitter Cable


Serial ATA SATA Power to 2x Right-Angle SATA Power Extension


I think I covered all.

So, conclusion. Without upgrading power supply you can easy go up to 7750 card and with upgrading PSU to second option (above) you can do 650 TI or 7770.
If you decide to attempt to overclock your existing CPU as I instructed you in your other post http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-1663895/custom-bios.html you better get most powerful PSU possible, my second option. In this case you can do any experiments without worrying about PSU.

I hope I answered your question.
Yes, 6570 is 50 watt, just as an example 6670 is 63 watt. Just to let you know PCIE slot can not give more than 75 watt, why Dell writes on motherboard 25 watt for many models I have no idea, but it is proven that 6670 can work on those machines.
In the future, check this comparison http://www.hwcompare.com/10819/radeon-hd-6570-oem-2gb-vs-radeon-hd-6670-oem-1gb/ You can plug in any card there and you will see actual power consumption.
As soon as power consumption goes over 75 watt, you will see 6 pin additional power connector on the card, this is how it is works.
Just use the resources.