Will this graphics card work in my motherboard?

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When you select a case for your next build, look for a positive pressure case with washable front air filters.
In such a case, all air is drawn in through the filtered front fans so dust does not enter.
A example that I use is the Silverstone TJ-08E, a M-ATX case that sells for $100 or so.
I rarely need to clean the filter, perhaps every 3 months, and never the inside.
An example of a full atx case that has filters on the front input fans would be the Antec 300.

I like the direct exhaust cooler of the GTX670 you linked. It gets heat directly out of the case.
The GTX670 is not a hot card to begin with. If you want to overclock the card, fine. But if you are adding a cooler, to do so, I think it is smarter to spend the money on a...
thanks guys that was quick. just putting these into my current pc while i build my new one. also any way to keep my pc from getting so dusty. i clean it once a week or more often. its sitting off the ground by around 3 inches or so. and i have a 600w powersupply. and whats a pci-e that smeezekitty said might be in the way? and would you guys reccommend any aftermarket coolers for it?
When you select a case for your next build, look for a positive pressure case with washable front air filters.
In such a case, all air is drawn in through the filtered front fans so dust does not enter.
A example that I use is the Silverstone TJ-08E, a M-ATX case that sells for $100 or so.
I rarely need to clean the filter, perhaps every 3 months, and never the inside.
An example of a full atx case that has filters on the front input fans would be the Antec 300.

I like the direct exhaust cooler of the GTX670 you linked. It gets heat directly out of the case.
The GTX670 is not a hot card to begin with. If you want to overclock the card, fine. But if you are adding a cooler, to do so, I think it is smarter to spend the money on a factory overclocked card or a GTX680 in the first place.

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